Change Kids’ Health. Change the Future. 

Khai’Rae: After her mom Kaydeen developed HELLP syndrome during pregnancy, Khai’Rae was born at 31 weeks, 5 days and weighed 2 pounds, 13½ ounces. She immediately started oxygen and thermo-therapy to regulate her body temperature and was held in an incubator for three weeks. Khai’Rae received a variety of treatments including UV therapy for jaundice and having an umbilical vein catheter (UVC) put in to administer fluids and medications required due to her prematurity and experiencing distress in the womb from Kaydeen’s pregnancy complications. Khai’Rae was also born tongue-tied which impacted her ability to breastfeed and received nutrients through an NG-tube to help her develop and grow strong. After nearly five weeks in the Level II NICU, Khai’Rae was able to finally be released from the hospital and united with her mothers.

Carson: After 60 hours of labor, Carson arrived as a healthy baby, weighing six pounds, ten ounces in spite of doctors discovering a rare knot in his umbilical cord, which, had he pulled on it in the womb, would have been fatal. Carson was monitored closely, initially for jaundice but after suddenly spiking a fever, blood tests and a lumbar puncture were performed. The team diagnosed him with an extremely rare bacterial meningitis and sepsis. With only a few case studies available on this condition, Pediatric Infectious Disease Specialists were consulted. Carson received various antibiotic treatments through an umbilical vein catheter (UVC) which successfully cleared him of these infections. At 22 days old, Carson could finally go home.