The MVHS Stroke and Neuro-Endovascular Program at the Wynn Hospital has received certification from DNV as a Comprehensive Stroke Center, reflecting the highest level of competence for treatment of serious stroke events. MVHS becomes only the seventh Comprehensive Stroke Center in Upstate New York and the only one between Syracuse and Albany.

The DNV Comprehensive Stroke Center Certification is based on standards set forth by the Brain Attack Coalition and the American Stroke Association, and affirms that the medical center addresses the full spectrum of stroke care – diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and education – and establishes clear metrics to evaluate outcomes.

Comprehensive stroke centers are typically the largest and best-equipped hospitals in a given geographical area that can treat any kind of stroke or stroke complication. In a growing number of states, stroke center certification determines to which facility a patient should be taken for the most appropriate, reimbursable care.

Learn more about our designation by watching the video below:

What does this designation mean for you?
Our whole hospital is involved in your care, from emergency treatment and education through recovery and rehabilitation.

We are ready before you arrive.

  • A primary nurse is assigned to you for one-on-one care
  • An Emergency Department physician is notified of your condition
  • A lab technician is waiting to draw blood
  • CT scanner and EKG technicians are notified and ready for your arrival
  • Pharmacy is ready to consult for thrombolytic dosage, learn more about this critical tool for stroke treatment.

Our dedicated clinical professionals have received extensive training as part of our Comprehensive Stroke Center designation and all patients’ outcomes are monitored to continually improve the care we provide.

Awards and Accreditations

Get With The Guidelines® – Stroke Gold Plus with Honor Roll

2020 Gold Plus Stroke AwardThe Stroke Center at the St. Luke’s Campus of MVHS is the area’s only designated Primary Stroke Center, received the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association’s Get With The Guidelines® – Stroke Gold Plus with Honor Roll quality achievement award for the 12th consecutive year. The award recognizes the hospital’s commitment to ensuring stroke patients receive the most appropriate treatment according to nationally recognized, research-based guidelines based on the latest scientific evidence.

MVHS earned the award by meeting specific quality achievement measures for the diagnosis and treatment of stroke patients at a set level for a designated period. These measures include evaluation of the proper use of medications and other stroke treatments aligned with the most up-to-date, evidence-based guidelines with the goal of speeding recovery and reducing death and disability for stroke patients. Before discharge, patients should also receive education on managing their health, get a follow-up visit scheduled, as well as other care transition interventions.

This year, the program also received the Association’s Target: Type 2 DiabetesSM Honor Roll award. To qualify for this recognition, hospitals must meet quality measures developed with more than 90 percent of compliance for 12 consecutive months for the “Overall Diabetes Cardiovascular Initiative Composite Score.”